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- Iterate! ver 3.11 Copyright 1993 by Brent Hugh
- Description of the program
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- Iterate! is a program that graphs iterated functions. Iterate! demonstrates
- chaos theory (since--mathematically speaking--chaos is made with iterated
- functions) and fractals (many of the graphs Iterate! makes are fractals).
- Iteration theory--which Iterate! is based on--is the same theory that is used
- to draw Mandelbrot Sets and Julia Sets. Iterate!'s ability to draw Julia Sets
- and iterate the points in and around the set makes it a powerful--and fun--tool
- for exploring this fascinating area of mathematics. With Iterate!, you'll see
- Julia Sets in a way you've never seen them before.
- But Iterate! doesn't just do Julia Sets. It has a wide variety of other
- functions that illustrate aspects of iteration theory and chaos, as well as a
- function interpreter so you can try out your own functions.
- Features
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- Here are some of the best features of Iterate!:
- * A wide variety of built in functions that you can try
- * A user function interpreter, so you can write your own functions
- * Ability to easily save graphs to disk and later restore them
- * Ability to quickly zoom in on a certain part of the screen, or zoom out
- * Full support of the mouse, both for selecting points to iterate, and for
- zooming the window in and out
- * An iteration stack for automatic calculation of graphs with lengthy
- iteration times
- * Most graphics modes and cards supported
- Files included
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- These files are included with Iterate!:
- Iterate!.exe The program file
- Iterate!.frm The file that holds the user function
- * .frm There will be several sample user functions;
- they have the extension ".frm"
- Mandelbr.gph A graph of Mandelbrot Set that works with Iterate!
- (see Function.Txt for more details; see also Note below)
- KBRepeat.exe Utility to change the keyboard repeat rate
- Iterate!.txt A complete instruction manual for Iterate!
- WhatsNew.txt What's new in this version of Iterate!
- HowTo .txt How to do common things in Iterate!
- Function.txt A short discussion of the functions in Iterate! with some
- example parameters and other things you can try
- Jargon .txt An explanation of some of the jargon of Iteration Theory
- QuickCmd.txt Quick one page synopsis of Iterate!'s commands
- Readme .txt This file
- Program distribution
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- Iterate! is distributed as shareware. Please copy and distribute to friends,
- Users' Groups, BBS's, etc.
- If you use Iterate!, you should register it. See Iterate!.txt for more
- details.
- Registered users will receive a disk with the latest version of Iterate!, a
- version of Iterate! optimized for 286 and better CPUs, the source code for
- Iterate!, a Mandelbrot-Julia generator that works together with Iterate!, and
- several other programs I have written that illustrate fractals and chaos
- (including a 3-D fractal generating program).
- Program Author
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- Brent Hugh
- 986 Raymond
- Fruit Heights, UT 84037
- voice phone: (816) 356-1740 or (801) 544-5032
- Internet : bhugh@vax1.umkc.edu
- FidoNet : Brent Hugh 1:280/305
- Please contact the author with any bugs, problems, requests, good User
- Function Files, and especially your registration fee.